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Elliott Masie’s Learning COLLABORATIVE is made up of 75 organizations focused on learning innovation. 


Our 2022 membership included learning colleagues from a wide range of corporations and governments (e.g., Zoom, Amazon, The Walt Disney Company, The Kellogg Company, Booz Allen Hamilton, Humana, The Hartford, Canada School of Public Leadership, MetLife, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Marriott International, PwC, Mount Sinai Health Systems, and many more).

These are the learning challenges and opportunities we will explore in 2023:


o   Shifting Learning and Development Strategies

o   Hybrid & Pivoting Learning

o   Empathy & Storytelling to Support our Workforce

o   AI, Immersive Media and Smarter Tech for Learning

o   New Skills for Learning Professionals

o   Brain and Cognitive Science Lessons for Learning

o   Scaling Coaching and Cohort Learning

o   Research on Effectiveness and Impact Learning Lessons

Learning COLLABORATIVE Activities

  • Learning Decisions Video Forums:  Elliott Masie will host a virtual forum every two months to facilitate analysis and conversations on key Learning Decisions facing members.  These will take place in the middle week of February, April, June, August, October and December.  All of your employees can attend these live gatherings and we will also post them for streaming to member organizations.

  • Benchmarking on Details of Learning Activities:  We will do four confidential benchmarking surveys focusing on differences in how organizations approach specific learning activities.  Our first topic will be Leadership Development.   Let’s compare and contrast:

    • Who:  Target audiences for Leadership Development.

    • How:  Formats (face to face, e-learning, virtual, coaching, etc.)

    • When: Early in career? Upon Promotion?

    • Duration: How long is the leadership development?

    • What: Source of content/facilitation – internal or external providers.

    • Assessment: Measures and metrics.

    • Innovation Wishes: Changes and Improvements Desired

  • Elliott Masie Learning TRENDS Podcasts:  I will produce audio and video podcasts throughout the year – focusing on Learning and Technology Trends with emphasis on new innovations and research.  The first one will be sent on January 8th from the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. 

  • Collaboration with Learning Projects and National Organizations:  We will be collaborating with national and global organizations on projects impacting the world of Learning.  These will include:

    • Upskill America: Models for upskilling

    • ISTE/ASCD:  Collaboration and Shared Learnings on Education and Technology in the K-12 and Higher Education Field

    • W.I.L.D. – Open Source Onboarding Learning Project

    • US Dept of Education

    • International Learning Organizations

    • L&D Cares:  Support for Learning Professionals in Career Change

    • CLO Doctoral Programs – Curating Research from Doctorate Thesis

Who is Elliott Masie?


The Learning COLLABORATIVE is the daily focus of Elliott Masie's efforts in the world of workplace learning and technology. Elliott is a provocative, engaging, and entertaining researcher, educator, analyst, and speaker – focused on the changing worlds of corporate learning, organizational performance, and emerging technology. He was the first analyst to use the term “eLearning” and the Host and Curator of many Learning & Development Seminars, Labs, and Conferences (including Microsoft TV). Over the past 50 years, he has presented programs, courses, and speeches to over 3,000,000 professionals around the world!

​Elliott serves as an advisor to a wide range of government, education, and non-profit groups. He has served on the Board of Trustees of Skidmore College, as a member of FIRST Robotics Board of Directors, and as a member of the CIA University Board of Visitors. He has also served as a pro-bono advisor to the Department of Defense and on the White House Advisory Council on Expanding Learning Opportunities. Most recently, he has helped brief the Presidential Transition team on Workplace and ReSkilling Issues.


Masie Learning COLLABORATIVE Culture:

  • Participate in ongoing benchmarking, networking, and dialogues.

  • Refrain from "selling" to COLLABORATIVE Members.

  • Participate in a fashion that builds trust and openness within the group and honors diverse perspectives, confidentiality, and competitive roles of members.




In 2023, The MASIE Learning Foundation is waiving all membership fees for existing COLLABORATIVE Members.  Our focus in 2023 will be Collaborative projects and dialogues on key topics, co-led by leaders from our member organizations.

If you have questions or interest in future membership, please send a note to



​The Learning COLLABORATIVE gives learning professionals the forum to collaborate, learn, and grow together. Regardless of your company or organization, Elliott Masie acts as a conduit to new ideas, leaders, and colleagues from all over the world. The events in 2020 changed the dialogue and we now need new conversations to pivot in the right direction. Long live the Learning Collaborative!
- Mark Wagner, The Hartford

Two critical imperatives face those of us in the learning field. The first is to ensure that those we serve are in strong positions to be able to meet tomorrow’s challenges. The second is to ensure that we, as learning leaders, are active architects in building a better future.  Creating this vision becomes challenging as the complexity and pace of change accelerates. For over a decade, I have turned to this country’s leading learning architect, Elliott Masie, for his visionary thought leadership, guidance, and deep commitment to creating a culture that supports lifelong learning for all. I am so grateful for his guidance, vision, knowledge, and ability to gather today’s great thinkers in his quest to create a better tomorrow.
- Diane Adams, Mount Sinai Health System

The Learning COLLABORATIVE provides a safe space to ideate, share, collaborate, and learn with a diverse group of learning professionals. The authentic, vendor-neutral, no-nonsense approach to conversations about the world of learning, facilitated by Elliott and team, are inspiring and practical. They help you reflect on your own learning practices and how they can evolve.
- Thor Flosason, The Kellogg Company

Brilliant, engaging, funny, and thought provoking – Elliott and the Masie Center have gone beyond being a resource for trainers. They are influencing people in government, education, and industry around the world for the better.
- Gary Harris, Wegmans

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 © 2025 MASIE Innovations  PO Box 397, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 USA - (518) 807-6961

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